Play for Love.
Play for Life.

Tennisphere by Love-Game, is a free organizing and social networking app connecting players with a passion for tennis!

Organize groups, matches and events, connect with other players, and foster tennis in your community.

Keep all of your tennis matches, social play, coaching sessions, and communication with players all in one place!

Join the Tennisphere…

What’s New in Tennisphere?

We’ve been hard at work over the winter implementing the new features and improvements you have suggested!


Set auto-reminders or ad hoc reminders to players who haven’t responded yet

Set Line Ups

Assign players to courts or lines and push a notification to the team


Once an event is filled allow people to add themselves to a waitlist

Manage Players

Easily add a whole group of players to an event

Connect Friends.

Easily star players to add them to your Friends List for easy to access and direct messaging.

Create Groups.

Organize players into Groups to instantly add or invite everyone to an event and coordinate with group messaging.

Track Events.

Invite up to 20 players to an event and instantly see updates on your event as players accept spots.

Merge Calendars.

Manage all your tennis in one place and sync with your phone’s calendar

Manage Players.

Stop chasing players.
Manage team rotation and let players keep availability up to date.


Stop searching through group texts for important information with Msgs organized by Event and Group.